​​Metacognitive parenting course

Do you find that you lack the tools to deal with challenges and crises as a parent? Then this short introductory course in metacognitive therapy may be for you.

Maybe you can recognize some of these situations:

  • There are many conflicts at home.
  • You have difficulty dealing with situations where your child is scared / anxious, sad / upset or angry.
  • It is difficult to stick to the structure / rules at home because your child / children are having a hard time.
  • Your child will not go to school / hobbies etc. lign.
  • Your child has a hard time being alone at home

The introduction will be relevant to you who can recognize this. It will also be relevant if your child is not motivated to be in therapy. It may also be relevant as a supplement to our children / youth groups in metacognitive therapy.

A study from the University of Copenhagen showed that mothers 'meta-assumptions were associated with their children's meta-assumptions and their level of anxiety 1 That is, parents' perceptions of worries, musings and strong emotions influenced the child's perception.

That you as a parent get a different relationship to the mind and get new tools for how to tackle negative thoughts and feelings can thus also have a beneficial effect on your children.

Benefits of the Parent Session

  • The parent session provides an introduction to the mechanisms that cause problems to take up so much space in the home.
  • You will gain an understanding of what you need to do to increase the good times in the family. You will get a useful tool to reduce how much the negative thoughts take up for both you and your child.
  • You meet others who have similar challenges as yourself.

The method does not involve you having to reveal intimate details about yourself or meditate.

In the parenting session, we will review the metacognitive model and talk about what to do to deal with negative thoughts and feelings if they take up too much space.

We will look at inappropriate strategies that can perpetuate anxiety and sadness.

If you as a parent want more individual guidance about your child (eg whether your child is best suited for group or individual therapy) we can offer:

  • A short telephone conversation (15 min) with the leading psychologist for DKK 200.
  • A full session (45 min) with the leading Psychologist for DKK 1,100.

Both can be booked by calling 55734849 or by writing an email to info@cektos.dk.

​Dates and registration

Find dates and the opportunity to register by clicking on the green button "See dates and register here".


CEKTOS Borgergade 28, 4th floor 1300 København K.


The price for a two-hour introductory course is DKK 750 for one parent, or DKK 1.100 if both parents participate.

The fine print

You accept the following conditions upon registration:

  • Registration is binding when the form is submitted.
  • Participation is conditional on the course fee being paid before the start of the course.
  • If you unsubscribe before the course starts, 20% of the course fee is calculated in the unsubscribe fee.
  • If you unsubscribe after the start of the course, the course fee will not be refunded.
  • We reserve the right to postpone or cancel the event if there are less than 6 registrations.
  • We make reservations for date changes, typos, illness of the teacher and similar unforeseen events.

1 Esbjørn, B. H., Normann, N., Lønfeldt, N. N., Tolstrup, M. & Reinholdt-Dunne, M. L. (2016). Exploring the relationships between maternal and child metacognitions and child anxiety. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 57, 201–206.

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​Hva kundene sier om oss

"Superprofesjonelle psykologer, de er veldig dyktige og søte! Har snart hatt 12 ganger, flertallet med Michelle! Hun er super dyktig og har utfordret meg og lært meg å kunne være menneske igjen!"

- Nikolaj Amtoft Pihlman

"Det har vært et berikende kurs i å lære 40 år med dårlig vane å forfølge bekymringene. En øyeåpner for meg å bestemme selv hvilken vei tanker og følelser skal gå ..."

- Merry Andresen

“Jeg føler meg veldig bra, bedre enn jeg har hatt

det i mange år! Jeg syntes det var flott,

at så få behandlinger kan gi så mye!

Jeg bruker verktøyene du har gitt meg daglig. "

- Tidligere klient​

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Om klinikken

Som den første klinikken i Danmark, spesialiserer vi oss i metakognitiv terapi for behandling av psykiske lidelser og nervesykdommer hos barn, ungdommer og voksne.


Vi behandler et bredt spekter av klienter med blant annet depresjon, angst, spiseforstyrrelser, OCD og PTSD.



09.00 - 14.00


09.00 - 14.00​


09.00 - 14.00


09.00 - 14.00


09.00 - 12.00

CEKTOS – København

​Borgergade 28, 4. sal

1300 København K - Finn din vej

Tlf.: 55 73 48 49
E-mail: info@cektos.dk

CEKTOS – Aarhus

​Fredens Torv 8, 1. tv

8000 Aarhus C - Finn din vej

Tlf.: 55 73 48 49
E-mail: info@cektos.dk

CEKTOS – Næstved

​Riddergade 7, 1. sal

4700 Næstved - Finn din vej

Tlf.: 55 73 48 49
E-mail: info@cektos.dk