​Treatment for Anxiety – Breaking Free

Managing Generalized Anxiety and Panic Disorders​

Social anxiety, health anxiety, panic attacks, generalized anxiety, and phobias—anxiety can take many forms.

One woman described her anxiety as walking on quicksand, constantly fearing being swallowed up.

Another explained it as sitting in a plane 10,000 meters above the ground and being certain that “we are about to crash.”

A third person described her anxiety attacks as overwhelming, inexplicable emotional outbursts that left her trembling, with a racing heart, shortness of breath, and dread of the next attack.

For others, anxiety may manifest as a fear of meeting new people, uneasiness about being alone, or excessive worry—whether it’s about finances, relationships, climate issues, or terrorism.

400,000 Danes experience some form of anxiety to varying degrees. The common thread is the belief that something uncontrollable is happening to them, something external that they cannot manage.

But that’s not the case.

Anxiety develops through habits—and habits can be broken.

At CEKTOS, we can help you break free from anxiety by addressing the habits that sustain it. We offer professional treatment for anxiety and depression, including generalized anxiety through online sessions.

What Is Anxiety?​

At some point, everyone experiences fear or anxiety. It might be fear of illness, a breakup, or starting over in a new place.

Anxiety can also take the form of unease, for example, before giving a speech, doing a skydive, or leaving your child at daycare for the first time.

However, when you have anxiety, these worries persist—sometimes without pause. They can intensify, and you may suddenly find yourself worrying about more things than you did yesterday.

How Does Anxiety Manifest?​

Most people with anxiety share common tendencies, such as:

- Excessive worrying

- Constantly monitoring how they feel

- Overanalyzing emotions and surroundings

- Avoiding feared situations

- Trying to reshape their thoughts

- Overplanning every detail

- Seeking relief through external means, like alcohol or others’ reassurance

Additionally, people with anxiety often believe:

- They cannot control their worries.

- Worrying is necessary to stay on top of life and daily tasks.

- Worry and anxiety can be harmful, potentially leading to physical illnesses like heart attacks or psychological conditions like psychosis.​

Symptoms of Anxiety​

The symptoms of anxiety vary depending on the type of anxiety but generally fall into three categories:

1. Emotional symptoms – fear, nervousness, embarrassment

2. Physical symptoms – rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, trembling hands, blushing, nausea

3. Cognitive symptoms – thoughts like “Is my heart beating weirdly? Am I having a heart attack?”, “What if I stammer when introducing myself?”, or “I need to watch Netflix to stop overthinking.”

Why Do You Get Anxiety?​

There are several theories about how anxiety develops.

In the past, anxiety was thought to stem from unresolved trauma and bad experiences, particularly from childhood or youth. The belief was that these experiences built up over time until they overwhelmed the mind, resulting in conditions like anxiety.

However, newer research shows that the mind works more like a sieve, capable of letting go of bad experiences—if you allow yourself to stop dwelling on them.

If, however, you continuously process, discuss, or worry about these experiences, you increase the risk of developing anxiety.

Another theory focuses on external pressures, such as a demanding job or emotional conflicts with family or colleagues. However, research suggests that anxiety is less about external stress and more about how we manage our thoughts and worries.

Those who dwell excessively on worries are more likely to develop anxiety. Conversely, those who can let their thoughts pass are less prone to anxiety.

How Does Metacognitive Therapy Treat Anxiety?

There is effective psychological help for treating anxiety, including generalized anxiety, and metacognitive therapy has shown excellent results.

The goal of metacognitive therapy is to understand how ingrained habits and beliefs contribute to anxiety.

For example, if you habitually spend hours worrying every day because you believe worrying helps you stay in control, you end up trapped in a negative spiral. It’s like digging a hole to find a way out—only to dig yourself deeper.

The focus of our anxiety treatment is to reduce the amount of rumination, worry, and self-monitoring. This helps alleviate anxiety symptoms and restores your quality of life.

A typical course of metacognitive therapy for anxiety consists of 6–12 sessions, either in group therapy or one-on-one.

If you’re interested in learning more about breaking free from anxiety or would like help putting your feelings into words, please feel free to contact us by writing to info@cektos.dk.

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That's what our customers say

"Super professional psychologists, they are very skilled and sweet! Have soon had 12 times, the majority with Michelle! She is super skilled and has challenged me and taught me to be human again!"

- Nikolaj Amtoft Pihlman

"It has been an enriching course in teaching me 40 years of bad habit of dealing with the worries. An eye opener for me to decide for myself which way thoughts and feelings should go ..."

- Merry Andresen

"I feel really good, better than I have had

it for many years! I thought it was great,

that so few treatments can give so much!

I use the tools you have given me daily. ”

- Tidligere klient​

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About the clinic​​

​As the first clinic in Denmark, we specialize in metacognitive therapy for the treatment of mental disorders and nervous conditions in children, adolescents and adults.


We treat a wide range of clients with, among other things, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, OCD and PTSD.​

Phone hours


09.00 - 14.00


09.00 - 14.00​


09.00 - 14.00


09.00 - 14.00


09.00 - 12.00

CEKTOS – København

​Borgergade 28, 4. sal

1300 København K - Get directions

Phone: 55 73 48 49
E-mail: info@cektos.dk

CEKTOS – Aarhus

​Fredens Torv 8, 1. tv

8000 Aarhus C - Get directions

Phone: 55 73 48 49
E-mail: info@cektos.dk

CEKTOS – Næstved

​Riddergade 7, 1. sal

4700 Næstved - Get directions

Phone: 55 73 48 49
E-mail: info@cektos.dk