​Addiction – Treatment with Metacognitive Therapy

Do you feel dependent on something?​

You are not alone! Research shows that approximately one in five Danes develops an addiction at some point in their lives.

Perhaps you’re one of those experiencing an addiction to your phone, gaming, shopping, sex, or alcohol? Do you feel that it’s gotten out of control? If so, treatment with metacognitive therapy may be able to help you.

What Is Addiction?​

Addiction is a complex and challenging condition that can have negative consequences on a person’s life. It involves changes in behavior, often characterized by a compulsive need to perform a specific action or consume a substance due to the effects associated with it. It’s important to note that addiction isn’t limited to physical substances like alcohol or drugs. It can also include behavioral addictions such as gambling, shopping, excessive screen time, and much more. Addiction can be viewed as having two dimensions: physical and psychological.


Physical Addiction​

Physical addiction occurs when the body becomes accustomed to a substance, leading to withdrawal symptoms when its intake is suddenly stopped. These symptoms can be unpleasant and typically include restlessness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, fever, and seizures. The physical dependency often reinforces the desire to avoid these symptoms, creating a persistent cycle of use and withdrawal.

Psychological Addiction​

Psychological addiction is more closely related to the mental and emotional aspects of dependency. It involves the belief that one cannot live or cope with certain situations without the substance or behavior in question. Psychological addiction often reinforces positive assumptions about the addictive behavior or substance while diminishing confidence in one’s ability to manage negative thoughts and emotions.​

The Vicious Cycle​

Often, the addictive behavior or substance is used to suppress or soothe negative emotions such as anxiety, stress, restlessness, sadness, or boredom. Addiction frequently creates a vicious cycle where negative thoughts and emotions are temporarily dulled or suppressed. However, this relief is short-lived, as the emotions or withdrawal symptoms resurface once the “high” wears off. This often leads to continued use or repetition of the addictive behavior.

Treating Addiction with Metacognitive Therapy​

Metacognitive therapy is a therapeutic approach that has proven effective in the treatment of addiction. In therapy, we work on identifying and exploring the unhelpful strategies and beliefs that sustain addictive behaviors. Clients are equipped with tools that allow them to resist urges without having to battle them, and they are supported in letting go of long-lasting feelings of regret and shame. This builds resilience and enables clients to tolerate cravings and desires without acting on them.

We understand that addiction can severely impact not only your own quality of life but also the well-being of those around you.

If you or someone you care about is struggling with an addiction that has begun to take an unhealthy toll on daily life, please don’t hesitate to contact us at info@cektos.dk.

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That's what our customers say

"Super professional psychologists, they are very skilled and sweet! Have soon had 12 times, the majority with Michelle! She is super skilled and has challenged me and taught me to be human again!"

- Nikolaj Amtoft Pihlman

"It has been an enriching course in teaching me 40 years of bad habit of dealing with the worries. An eye opener for me to decide for myself which way thoughts and feelings should go ..."

- Merry Andresen

"I feel really good, better than I have had

it for many years! I thought it was great,

that so few treatments can give so much!

I use the tools you have given me daily. ”

- Tidligere klient​

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About the clinic​​

​As the first clinic in Denmark, we specialize in metacognitive therapy for the treatment of mental disorders and nervous conditions in children, adolescents and adults.


We treat a wide range of clients with, among other things, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, OCD and PTSD.​

Phone hours


09.00 - 14.00


09.00 - 14.00​


09.00 - 14.00


09.00 - 14.00


09.00 - 12.00

CEKTOS – København

​Borgergade 28, 4. sal

1300 København K - Get directions

Phone: 55 73 48 49
E-mail: info@cektos.dk

CEKTOS – Aarhus

​Fredens Torv 8, 1. tv

8000 Aarhus C - Get directions

Phone: 55 73 48 49
E-mail: info@cektos.dk

CEKTOS – Næstved

​Riddergade 7, 1. sal

4700 Næstved - Get directions

Phone: 55 73 48 49
E-mail: info@cektos.dk