Pia Callesen – Clinic Director and Psychologist

Education and Background

My name is Pia Callesen, and I am the clinic director at CEKTOS, with branches in Thisted, Aarhus, Næstved, and Copenhagen.

I hold a degree in psychology from the University of Wales, Bangor (2000), and the University of Copenhagen (2003), with further training in cognitive and metacognitive therapy.

I am an MCTI (TM)-registered therapist, which means I completed and passed the two-year metacognitive certification program in 2012 (Level 1), as well as the one-year Advanced Level training in 2014 and 2017 (Level 2). This training was conducted by the method's founder, Professor Adrian Wells of Manchester University (UK), and Professor Hans Nordahl of Trondheim University (NO).

I earned a doctorate from Manchester University under the supervision of the method’s founder, Professor Adrian Wells. In the fall of 2016, I completed my PhD dissertation, which involved research on the effectiveness of metacognitive therapy for depression compared to traditional cognitive behavioral therapy. In the study, 74% of participants recovered from depression using metacognitive therapy, with over 37% classified as severely or extremely depressed. These unique results have been published in Scientific Reports by Nature and were also covered in Jyllands-Posten.​

I am the clinic director and owner of CEKTOS – Center for Metacognitive Therapy in Copenhagen, Næstved, Thisted, and Aarhus. Additionally, I serve as the chair of the MCT-Institute Danish Branch and as a supervisor for the official MCT-Institute certification program, led by Professor Adrian Wells and Professor Hans Nordahl. This role involves receiving ongoing supervision from Professor Adrian Wells.

​I am a licensed psychologist, a psychotherapy specialist, and an approved supervisor. This certification requires a minimum of 4,000 hours of therapy and at least 800 hours of supervision by Danish and international specialists in cognitive therapy.

I continuously stay updated on the latest evidence-based approaches for all mental disorders.​

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That's what our customers say

"Super professional psychologists, they are very skilled and sweet! Have soon had 12 times, the majority with Michelle! She is super skilled and has challenged me and taught me to be human again!"

- Nikolaj Amtoft Pihlman

"It has been an enriching course in teaching me 40 years of bad habit of dealing with the worries. An eye opener for me to decide for myself which way thoughts and feelings should go ..."

- Merry Andresen

"I feel really good, better than I have had

it for many years! I thought it was great,

that so few treatments can give so much!

I use the tools you have given me daily. ”

- Tidligere klient​

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About the clinic​​

​As the first clinic in Denmark, we specialize in metacognitive therapy for the treatment of mental disorders and nervous conditions in children, adolescents and adults.


We treat a wide range of clients with, among other things, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, OCD and PTSD.​

Phone hours


09.00 - 14.00


09.00 - 14.00​


09.00 - 14.00


09.00 - 14.00


09.00 - 12.00

CEKTOS – København

​Borgergade 28, 4. sal

1300 København K - Get directions

Phone: 55 73 48 49
E-mail: info@cektos.dk

CEKTOS – Aarhus

​Fredens Torv 8, 1. tv

8000 Aarhus C - Get directions

Phone: 55 73 48 49
E-mail: info@cektos.dk

CEKTOS – Næstved

​Riddergade 7, 1. sal

4700 Næstved - Get directions

Phone: 55 73 48 49
E-mail: info@cektos.dk